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Request form for VCRN services

This virtual group will be held on Thursday, November 2, 2023 from 12-2 pm


After a distressing event, like the recent incident at Pinnacle Treatment Center, it is normal to experience:

  • disturbance in sleep, appetite, or mood

  • an increase in stress and anxiety

  • numbness

  • somatic complaints

  • or sadness that makes it difficult to cope


VCRN is offering a group session for employees who may be experiencing stress as a result of this recent event. This group will be held virtually via Zoom. 


VCRN uses protocols that do not require you talk or share your experiences extensively, but can provide relief and reduce the distress of the most upsetting parts of this experience for you.


To participate:

1) Please complete our participant information and consent form below.

2) Once you have submitted this form, you will receive a link to the Impact of Event Scale to complete.

3) A Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the date of the online group.

To participant in VCRN's free services, please complete the form below:

VCRN is offering a virtual group session for those impacted
by recent events at Pinnacle Treatment Center


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